Braycote 601 EF 600 EF 602 EF 航空脂 Braycote 1729








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    Braycote 601EF 真空润滑脂


    Castrol Braycote 601 EF嘉实多润滑脂是一种光滑,黄油状半透明的白色润滑脂,无毒,不易燃,在产品制造时不使用任何CFC。其基础油是全氟聚醚,具有特殊的耐化学性,极低的挥发性以及宽温度范围。这种产品展示了其异常高的负载能力,为组件提供了防生锈和防腐蚀的保护。



    The Braycote 600EF high performance vacuum grease has been reformulated for manufacturing under more "environmentally friendly" circumstances and therefore carries the "EF" next to the product designation. Virtually all users should find the new 600EF to be indistinguishable from the original Braycote 600: Be sure you are familiar with the broader range of these unique fluorocarbon based grease products for vacuum applications.


    Description:Castrol Braycote 600EF is a smooth, buttery, translucent off-white colored, NLGI #2 grease. Castrol Braycote 600EF uses Castrol Brayco 815Z as the base fluid and a tetrafluoroethylene telomer as the gelling agent.


    This grease, like all the grease in the Braycote family, is nonflammable, chemically inert, and thermally stable and does not use any chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) during product manufacture. It has exceptionally low volatility and has little tendency to form deposits. It has excellent lubricating properties, good shear stability, and low acute toxicity. Castrol Fluoroclean X100, Castrol Fluoroclean HE, or PERFLUOROSOLV PFS-2 Perfluorinated Cleaning Solvent can all be used to remove this lubricant.


    Temperature Range:-80°C/-112°F to +204°C/400°FUses:Castrol Braycote 600EF is designed to operate in the presence of fuels, oxidizers, and in applications of deep space vacuum. It is used in gears, ball and roller bearings, electrical contacts, and "O" rings. This grease is highly recommended for applications where temperature extremes and/or low vacuums are routine, such as cryogenic coolers, FLIR, laser optical systems, or hostile chemical environments. Perfluorinated greases, such as Castrol Braycote 600EF exhibit excellent shelf life due to their intrinsic inertness.


    DescriptionCastrol Braycote 1729 is a smooth, translucent NLGI #3 grease. It is based upon a low molecular weight perfluourinated polyether oil and a tetrafluoroethylene gelling agent. Braycote 1729 is nonflammable, chemically inert to strong acids and alkalies, and is oxidizer compatible. Castrol Fluoroclean X100 and Castrol Fluoroclean He can be used to remove this lubricant. Refer to the data sheets for information regarding these products.ApplicationBraycote 1729 is recommended for those applications in which lubricant compatibility with aggressive chemicals and oxidants in direct or indirect contact is of primary concern. Braycote 1729 is stable when exposed to both concentrated acids and bases, and oxygen. Perfluorinated greases, in general, exhibit excellent shelf lives due to their intrinsic inertness







    搜好货厂家桔皋化工(上海)有限公司为您提供Braycote 601 EF 600 EF 602 EF 航空脂 Braycote 1729的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取Braycote 601 EF 600 EF 602 EF 航空脂 Braycote 1729的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    型号 : braycote 1729
    品牌 : 嘉实多
    类别 : 精密仪表润滑脂
    锥入度 : 265
    滴点 : 215
    针入度 : 265mm
    稠化剂类型 : 锂基润滑脂
    应用领域 : 航空用脂
    产地 : 英国
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    搜好货网 > 桔皋化工(上海)有限公司 > Braycote 601 EF 600 EF 602 EF 航空脂 Braycote 1729