嘉实多brayco 300 brayco 1624航空油脂








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  • 湖南湘粤孚化工科技有限公司



    Castrol Brayco™ 300


    Description Castrol Brayco™ 300 is a blend of highly refined petroleum oil with suitable additives which provide corrosion prevention, oxidation resistance, and freedom from galvanic corrosion in brass-steel bimetallic systems. The viscosity is similar to a light machine oil. Brayco 300 is a water displacing oil for general purpose applications at low and medium temperatures (-70oF to 300oF). Application Brayco 300 is designed for the lubrication and preservation of small arms, automatic weapons, and fuse mechanism applications, especially where a low temperature, water displacing oil is desired. It may be used to protect unpainted metal surfaces from the effects of indoor storage for periods of three to six months, after which it remains readily removable. Brayco 300 will also protect magnesium and aluminum against corrosion at low and medium temperatures (-70°F to 300°F). Brayco 300 may be applied by b, dip, swab, spray, or squirt can. Depending on the method of application and surface geometries, Brayco 300 will cover 1,000 to 3,000 square feet per gallon. For water displacement, it may be applied by these e methods. Displaced water should be removed from dip s at suitable intervals.


    Brayco® 1624



    Brayco® 1624 Lube Oil is now available from SPI Supplies. We will be supplying additional technical information to this page at a later date.


    Compatibilities:The product is compatible with most plastics, metals and rubbers. Extensive information is available about chemical resistance to various chemical species for perfluoroether lubricants, but not specifically for Brayco 1624.


    However, as is always the case when selecting a lube oil, you have to do your own testing to make certain that would be the correct choice in your specific case.


    Off-gassing characteristics:We don't have any outgassing data specific to Brayco® 1624. It is a low viscosity perfluorinated polyether (PFPE) oil and would outgas at a much higher rate than a heavier viscosity oil like Brayco 812, but would be much better than a comparable viscosity traditional synthetic or mineral oil lubricant.


    Removal of unwanted grease from grease applied surfaces:The composition of this product is a mixture of small PTFE particles (which won't dissolve in anything) and a perfluorinated polyether liquid. We have found that Castrol® Fluoroclean™ HE is an effective solvent for the liquid component of the formulated composition and aids in the removal of the grease from places where it is no longer needed or wanted.


    Packaging:Packaging in 2 oz bottles





    产品主要分为:工业合成润滑油与合成润滑脂,工业用的普通润滑脂,工业齿轮油,抗磨液压油,导轨油,空压机油、白油、柴机油、机械油、防锈乳化油、防锈油、导热油、工业脂、锂基脂、煤油、切削油、淬火油。 经营的工业润滑油、船用润滑油,润滑脂、切削液、切消油、液压油畅销消费者市场。产品在消费者当中享有较高的地位公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。本公司谨遵“诚实守信”的原则,一直以“质量、信誉至上”作为公司的经营理念,与各界人士的广大客户真诚合作,共创更美好的前景。 公司名称:湖南湘粤孚化工科技有限公司





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    型号 : brayco 300 brayco 1624
    品牌 : 嘉士多
    类别 : 滚动轴承润滑脂
    锥入度 : 450
    滴点 : 223
    针入度 : 250
    稠化剂类型 : 合成稠化剂
    应用领域 : 钢铁工业用脂
    货号 : 价格8元表示议价
    搜好货网 > 湖南湘粤孚化工科技有限公司 > 嘉实多brayco 300 brayco 1624航空油脂