施诺依供应纳米喷镀设备 纳米喷镀工艺 镜面喷涂效果








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  • 施诺依供应纳米喷镀设备 纳米喷镀工艺 镜面喷涂效果






















    纳米喷镀工艺流程Nano-spray plating process1、基材表面处理,塑胶表面要进行静电除尘;铁材质要进行磷酸盐表面处理。1. Substrate surface treatment, plastic surface to be electrostatic precipitation; iron material to be phosphate surface treatment.2、喷涂底漆,表面要求高平坦性和洁净度。2. Spraying primer requires high flatness and cleanliness.3、干燥,一定要使底漆彻底干燥。3. Dry, must make the primer thoroughly dry.4、静置,底漆表面避免落上灰尘,彻底冷却。4. Stand still. Avoid falling dust on the primer surface and completely cool it.5、喷涂表面活性剂,调整表面张力,为形成均一的银镜膜提供条件。5. Spraying surfactant and adjusting surface tension to provide conditions for forming uniform silver mirror film.6、纯水洗净,彻底清洗,除去多余的表面活性剂。6. Wash with pure water, thoroughly clean and remove excess surfactants.7、化学反应,形成均一镜面。7. Chemical reaction to form a uniform mirror.8、纯水洗净,彻底清洗,除去多余的反应液。8. Wash with pure water and thoroughly remove excess reaction fluid.9、稳定剂,增强金属层的抗氧化性能。9. Stabilizer to enhance the oxidation resistance of metal layer.10、程序:空气吹干,清除表面水份,银镜表面无积水。10. Procedure: Air drying, remove surface moisture, silver mirror surface without water.11、程序:干燥,水分干燥,增强镀层的附着力。11. Procedure: Drying, moisture drying, enhance the adhesion of the coating.12、透明涂装,可根据产品颜色需求可以加入透明染料,调整出不同色彩。12. Transparent coating can add transparent dyes and adjust different colors according to the color requirement of the product.13、干燥。确认彻底干燥。13. Drying. Make sure it's thoroughly dry.



    纳米喷镀技术采用喷涂的工艺做出仿电镀效果(镀金、镀银、镀铜、镀铬、镀镍、彩镀等),是继电镀、真空镀之后的又一项表面处理工艺,工艺简单成本低、不用做导电层。这种技术广泛适用于金属、玻璃、树脂、塑料、陶瓷、石膏等各种材料,并具有颜色多样化。近几年汽车局部改装的发展,纳米喷镀技术得到很大展现空间。市场前景很大。Nano-spraying technology uses spraying technology to make imitation plating effect (gold plating, silver plating, copper plating, chromium plating, nickel plating, color plating, etc.). It is another surface treatment process after electroplating and vacuum plating. The technology is simple and low cost, and does not need to be used as conductive layer. This technology is widely used in metal, glass, resin, plastics, ceramics, gypsum and other materials, and has a variety of colors. In recent years, with the development of automobile partial refitting, nano-spraying technology has a great space to show. The market prospects are great.

    施诺依纳米喷镀技术Snoy nano-spraying Technology

    该技术喷涂的制品,具有良好的防锈性能,良好的装饰效果,可用于国内外大型汽车生产商和大型电器生产商等部分产品的表面处理,亦可作为其它行业的表面装饰和保护等喷涂,工艺简单、用途广泛、是一种新的表面处理技术。The products sprayed by this technology have good rust-proof performance and decorative effect. It can be used for surface treatment of some products, such as large automobile manufacturers and large electrical appliances manufacturers at home and abroad. It can also be used for surface decoration and protection of other industries. It is a new surface treatment technology with simple technology and wide application.纳米喷涂设备是银镜反应利用喷将银氨溶液喷涂在工件表面的一个过程。喷涂出来全部是银色的,然后在涂表面保护溶剂是加适当的色精而形成不同的色彩。Nano-spraying equipment is a process of silver mirror reaction using spray gun to spray silver ammonia solution on the surface of workpiece. The spraying is all silver, and then the protective solvent is added to the surface to form different colors.纳米喷镀有一定的局限性,较好是应用在精饰方面,避免用于高压摩擦的工件上。Nano-spray plating has some limitations. It is better to be used in fine decoration and avoid high-pressure friction.纳米喷镀也属于化学镀的范畴。Nano-spraying also belongs to the category of electroless plating.


    纳米喷镀设备的特点:Characteristics of nano-spraying equipment:1、投资少成本低;1. Low investment and low cost;2、操作简单--操作过程简单,;2. Simple operation - simple operation process;3、适合自动化生产--可根据客户需求上自动化生产线;3. Suitable for automated production - can be automated production line according to customer needs;4、色彩多样--金黄色、黄铜色、仿古金黄、铜色、(红黄紫绿蓝)等;4. Various colors - golden, brass, antique golden, copper, (red, yellow, purple, green, blue) etc.5、回收利用--喷镀的塑胶产品,废弃后可以粉碎,可回收再利用;5. Recycling - Spraying plastic products can be ced and recycled after being discarded.6、适用范围广--各种材质的基材大多都可以喷镀,体积面积限制小;6. Wide scope of application - most of the materials of various materials can be sprayed, and the volume and area limitation is small.7、可做叉色定位喷镀--可做局部喷镀的颜色装饰,也在一件产品上喷镀成不同的颜色及效果的图案。7. Can be used for cross-color positioning spraying - can be used for local spraying color decoration, but also on a product spraying into different colors and effects of the pattern.

    适用材质:金属、塑料、树脂、石膏、玻璃、木头等硬性材质。Applicable materials: hard materials such as metal, plastic, resin, gypsum, glass, wood, etc.适用行业:汽车轮毂改色、家具翻新、金属门窗护栏、画框相框、工艺品加工、电子电器等行业Applicable industries: automobile hub color change, furniture renovation, metal door and window guardrail, picture frame, handicraft processing, electronics and electrical appliances and other industries



















    搜好货厂家济南施诺依科技有限公司为您提供施诺依供应纳米喷镀设备 纳米喷镀工艺 镜面喷涂效果的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取施诺依供应纳米喷镀设备 纳米喷镀工艺 镜面喷涂效果的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    品牌 : 施诺依
    型号 : SNY-NMPDZ
    加工定制 :
    动力形式 : 电动式无气喷涂机
    种类 : 手动喷砂
    重量 : 100
    适用范围 : 应用于汽车陶瓷手工艺的表面喷涂
    功率 : 3.7
    空气消耗量 : 0~6
    空载排量 : 0~1
    喷射宽度 : 5~15
    喷嘴直径 : 1.0~2.0
    压力比 : 0~5
    最佳喷射距离 : 300MM
    产地 : 山东
    是否进口 :
    订货号 : 52423
    货号 : 23241
    是否跨境货源 :
    搜好货网 > 济南施诺依科技有限公司 > 施诺依供应纳米喷镀设备 纳米喷镀工艺 镜面喷涂效果