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  • ShenZhen Rui Hongfu Technology Co., Ltd   http://www.szrhfkj.com

    深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司是集于生产研发尼龙粘扣带魔术贴、射出勾魔术贴、蘑菇头魔术贴、细软勾魔术贴、勾毛同体魔术贴、不抓毛魔术贴、发卷带魔术贴、高周波电压魔术贴、阻燃型防火魔术贴、背靠背粘扣魔术贴捆绑扎带、背胶冲型魔术贴、松紧弹力魔术贴、、3M魔术贴、魔术布/OK布、注塑袖口魔术贴、3D VR眼镜头带、运动器材魔术贴、医用魔术贴、数据线收纳皮扣、研磨片魔术贴、特殊魔术贴等产品为粘扣捆绑扎带提供好的解决方案定制加工的大型厂家之一

    Shenzhen Ruihongfu Technology Co., Ltd. is a collection of research and development nylon Velcro strap Velcro, shot hook velcro, mushroom head velcro, soft hook velcro, hook hair velcro, no hair velcro, hair band Velcro, high frequency voltage Velcro, flame retardant fire velcro, back-to-back Velcro Velcro strap, back rubber velcro, elastic stretch velcro, 3M velcro, magic cloth / OK cloth, injection cuff magic Stickers, 3D VR glasses headbands, sports equipment velcro, medical velcro, data cable storage leather buckles, abrasive velcro stickers, special velcro stickers and other products for the fasteners binding straps provide a good solution for custom processing of large manufacturers One

    魔术贴制造过程首先是织机将原料尼龙纱经织带机造成胚带形状,在经高温染色设备将半成品的胚带染成各种颜色.粘扣带的绒面胚带是先染颜色在 经起毛机设备将颜色胚带绒面表面刷起卷毛后再经上浆定型,粘扣带的钩面是将染好的胚带钩面上浆定型后再将胚带表面的的尼龙单丝经进口切钩机给予均匀适当的切断单丝便形成带有钩黏性胚带,最后再经进口分条经卷设备给予分条成所需的各种规格宽度.再切断所需长度后并卷装箱.

    The velcro manufacturing process firstly uses the looms to make the raw nylon yarns into the shape of the embryo belt through the ribbon machine, and dyes the semi-finished embryo belts into various colors in the high-temperature dyeing equipment. The suede-embroids of the hook-and-loop belt are dyed in the first color. The equipment of the raising machine will brush the surface of the color embryo with the surface of the suede and then set it by sizing. The hook surface of the hook and loop fastener is used to shape the surface of the dyed embryo with the hook surface and then import the nylon monofilament on the surface of the embryo belt. The hooking machine gives a uniform and appropriate cutting monofilament to form a hook-adhesive embryo belt, and finally, the strips are fed into the strips by the inlet slits to obtain the required widths of various specifications. The length is then cut and packaged. box.行业术语称子母扣。是箱包服饰上常用的一种连接辅料。它分公母两面:一面是细软的纤维,另一面是带有勾刺的弹性纤维。公母相扣,在受到一定横力的情况下,富有弹性的勾被拉直,从绒圈上松掉而打开,然后又恢复原有的勾型,如此反复开合可达一万次之多。

    Industry terminology is called the mother button. It is a kind of connecting accessory commonly used in luggage clothing. It is divided into two sides of the male and female: one side is a soft fiber, and the other side is an elastic fiber with a hook. The male and female are interlocked. When a certain horizontal force is applied, the elastic hook is straightened, loosened from the loop and opened, and then the original hook type is restored, so that the repeated opening and closing can reach 10,000 times. .






    Hook & Loop




    产品介绍:背对背型魔术贴(粘扣带)/ 魔术贴绑线带特性及用途:采用进口胶将魔术贴毛面与勾面(A+B),进行复合,使毛勾不在同一面上。用在电线电缆、光纤光缆、玩具、电子电器等。也可按客人要求设计样式.或供应原材料,自行裁切。还可印刷公司LOGO、网址及广告促销信息等。 材质: 1、粘扣布背对塑胶勾 2、粘扣布背对普通勾 3、普通毛背对普通勾 4、粘扣布背对蘑菇勾  5、不抓毛背普通勾等; 尺寸:规格有多种,按客要求生产不同规格长度,如有需要,可来电索样。颜色:现有颜色为黑、白、红、黄、蓝、绿等色,特殊颜色量量大可订做.环保:本产品依据《进出口染色纺织品和皮革制品中禁用偶氮染料的检验方法》标准进行检测。不含偶氮及其它23种有害物质。符合欧洲ROHS标准。-专业生产魔术贴捆绑带,提供魔术贴捆绑带产品图片了解,魔术贴捆绑带生产厂家

    Shenzhen Velcro strap manufacturers

    Product introduction: Back-to-back type Velcro (hook and loop belt) / Velcro straps Features and uses: Use the imported rubber to combine the velcro face with the hook surface (A+B), so that the hook is not on the same side. Used in wire and cable, fiber optic cable, toys, electronic appliances, etc. You can also design styles according to your requirements. Or supply raw materials and cut them yourself. It can also print company LOGO, website and advertising promotion information.


    1. Glue cloth back to the plastic hook

    2, the buckle back to the ordinary hook

    3, ordinary hair back to the ordinary hook

    4, Velcro cloth back to the mushroom hook

    5, do not scratch the hair back ordinary hook, etc.;

    Dimensions: There are a variety of specifications, according to customer requirements to produce different lengths of specifications, if necessary, you can call the sample. Color: The existing colors are black, white, red, yellow, blue, green, etc. The special color can be customized. Environmental protection: This product is based on the inspection method for banned azo dyes in import and export dyed textiles and leather products. 》Standard for testing. Contains no azo and 23 other harmful substances. Conforms to European ROHS standards. -Professional production of Velcro straps, providing Velcro straps with product pictures to understand, Velcro straps manufacturers


    松紧带魔术贴(粘扣带)   特性及用途:此产品为涤纶纱+橡筋带编织而成,具有伸缩型,用于玩具厂、运动器材、其它产品配件(如:MP3手挽带、收腹带、束捆绑带等)。 松紧带魔术贴宽度: 20mm,25mm,30mm,38mm,50mm,100mm,150MM等。   环保:本厂产品依据《进出口染色纺织品和皮革制品中禁用偶氮染料的检验方法》标准进行检测。不含偶氮及其它23种有害物质。符合欧洲RoHS标准-黑色魔术贴松紧带扎带

    Black Velcro elastic band tie

    Elastic band velcro (stick tape)

       Features and Uses: This product is woven from polyester yarn + elastic band and has a telescopic type. It is used in toy factories, sports equipment, and other product accessories (such as MP3 hand strap, belly strap, bundle strap, etc.).

    Elastic band Velcro width: 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 38mm, 50mm, 100mm, 150MM and so on.

       Environmental protection: The products of our factory are tested according to the standards of “Testing methods for banned azo dyes in dyed textiles and leather products for import and export”. Contains no azo and 23 other harmful substances. Conforms to European RoHS standards - black velcro elastic band tie


    类型 : 魔术贴扎带
    适用范围 : 服装,服饰,家纺,产业用,其他
    品牌 : 瑞鸿富
    货号 : 魔术贴捆绑带
    搜好货网 > 深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司 > 背靠背粘扣带魔术贴捆绑带魔术贴扎带、发卷带魔术贴、高周波电压魔术贴、阻燃型防火魔术贴、背胶冲型魔术贴、松紧弹力魔术贴