免维护海洋聚乙烯浮标 柏泰滚塑科技浮标








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  • 免维护海洋聚乙烯浮标 柏泰滚塑科技浮标批发

    1. 100全新进口聚乙烯PE料制作(假一罚十)不掺杂任何回料、无毒、无味,质轻坚韧、搬运简便

    2. 公司里每一个产品都是韩国进口全新料制作,不参杂任何一点回料。


    4. 产品为我厂zui新产品,生产组装简单快捷

    5. 产品实行7天包换(非人为及不可抗拒的因素除外)1年免费维修

    6. 型号没有满足需求可以为您量身定制,也可上门改装,送货上门服务(收取适当费用)

    7. 厚度,重量、法兰口位均可按客户要求调整。

    免维护海洋聚乙烯浮标 柏泰滚塑科技浮标批发The product shell is made of 100 medium low density polyethylene and medium density polyethylene floating body. It is made of advanced rotational molding process. The products are welded at one time, completely sealed, corrosion-resistant, anti-aging, impact resistant, no leakage and cracking, and filled with polystyrene closed foam. The buoyancy of the product is large, even if the shell is damaged, it will not affect the use. Reducing the flow of water and grass floating to urban inland rivers has been a research topic for many years. Through a large number of experiments and studies, the Bureau has decided to adopt the scheme of self-floating floating floating floating float in Baitai, Zhejiang Province, to prevent and control the pollution from the source. Because most of the reservoirs and rivers in the city are the source of drinking water in the city, setting up a sewage rope in this area can effectively control the floating debris entering the urban area in the periphery of the city. by

    搜好货厂家宁波柏泰塑料科技有限公司为您提供免维护海洋聚乙烯浮标 柏泰滚塑科技浮标的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取免维护海洋聚乙烯浮标 柏泰滚塑科技浮标的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    材质 : 聚乙烯
    用途 : 水上拦污
    品牌 : 柏泰
    搜好货网 > 宁波柏泰塑料科技有限公司 > 免维护海洋聚乙烯浮标 柏泰滚塑科技浮标