出口款英语操作界面RZ建材制品燃烧热值试验仪, Calorimeter 鑫生卓锐建筑材料燃烧热值试验仪











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  • 北京卓锐品牌(英)微机全自动建材制品燃烧热值测试仪Microcomputer Automatic Calorimeter

    功能特点Functional Characteristics:1. 采用标准pc机控制,保持了计算机全部功能,并可使用各种通用软件,计算机扩展槽仍可插接其它功能板。可自动标定量热系统的热容量(能当量),测量发热量。输入硫、水分、氢等数据,即可换算并打印出弹筒发热量、高位发热量,低位发热量等结果。

    1.Microcomputer automatic calorimeter is controlled by a standard personnel computer, maintains all functions of the computer and can be used with various common softwares. Other functional boards can be inserted into an expansion slot of the computer. The calorimeter can be used for calibrating heat capacity (energy equivalent) of the calorimeter system automatically and measuring calorific value thereof. Calorific value of determination in oxygen bomb, gross calorific value and net calorific value, and the like can be calculated and printed by inputting sulfur, moisture and hydrogen, etc.

    2. 恒温式量热仪内筒采用片状桨叶的电动搅拌,外筒采用循环泵搅拌,使水温更均匀;增加了注水口、抽水口和自动调水温部分,使操作更简单更方便。仪器即可使用熔断式也可使用非熔断方式点火,使用方便自如。

    2. An internal cylinder of the isothermal calorimeter is stirred electrically by a platy blade, while an external cylinder is stirred by a circulating pump, so that the water temperature is more uniform. In virtue of the water filling nozzle, pumping port and automatic water temperature adjusting part, the operation is simpler and more convenient. The instrument can be ignited in fusing or non-fusing manner, being convenient to use.3. 微机全自动量热仪可对两台或两台以上量热仪进行异步控制,亦可作为单筒量热仪使用。

    3. Microcomputer automatic calorimeter is capable of controlling two or more calorimeters asynchronously or can be used as the single-cylinder calorimeter.4.量热仪的操作采用在WIN2000操作系统系统上运行,保证了软件的安全性和稳定性。既可以对量热仪控制的同时进行数据的修改,还可在测试时可进行报表管理等其它工作,为用户提供了方便,真正做到了一机多用。北京鑫生卓锐科技有限公司供应英文款热值仪

    4. Calorimeter is operated on a WIN2000 operating system, ensuring safety and stability of the softwares. It enables the user to modify the data while controlling and to manage reports or do other jobs during test, facilitating the user and realizing multifunction actually.5. 系统操作全过程汉字提示,按提示操作即可完成试验。

    5. Whole operation process of the system is indicated by characters and the test can be finished through following the prompts.北京卓锐技术参数Technical Parameters:1.热容量(能当量) 约10500J/K

    1.Heat capacity (energy equivalent): About 10,500J/K


    2.Volume of external cylinder: 40 L

    3.内水筒容量 约2.3L

    3.Volume of internal cylinder: About 2.3 L

    4.点火电压 24V

    4.  Ignition voltage: 24V


    5.  Ignition time: 3 min

    6.测量精度 符合国标GB/T14402

    6.   Accuracy of measurement: Suitable for international GB/T14402

    7.温度分辨率 0.001℃

    7.Temperature resolution: 0.001℃

    8.使用环境 5-40℃(每次测定室温变化应≤1℃)相对湿度≤85%

    8.Operating environment: 5-40℃(room temperature change of each time shall be less than or equal to 1℃, and relative humidity shall be less than or equal to 85%.)

    9.电 源 220V±10%

    9. Power supply: 220V±10% 


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    品牌 : 鑫生卓锐
    型号 : RZ
    加工定制 :
    产品适用范围 : 5-35
    测量范围 : 热值的测定
    电源 : 220
    工作电压 : 220
    外形尺寸 : 50-45-60
    重量 : 35
    搜好货网 > 北京鑫生卓锐科技有限公司 > 出口款英语操作界面RZ建材制品燃烧热值试验仪, Calorimeter 鑫生卓锐建筑材料燃烧热值试验仪