总代理partech在线式污泥界面报警仪UP8100/8200 ASLD2200探头840











  • 图文详情
  • 产品属性
  • 8100 and 8200 Sludge Blanket Detectors


    The 8100 and 8200 monitors provide an exceptionally simple and reliable method of detecting the sludge blanket level in clarifiers and settlement tanks in wastewater, drinking water and industrial effluent treatment.

    Control of the sludge blanket level is essential to ensure discharge consent compliance and efficient control of the treatment process. If the sludge blanket in a settlement tank is allowed to rise close to the surface there is a danger that solids will leave the tank and contaminate the next process stage or be discharged into the water course. Alternatively, if the sludge blanket is not allowed to stabilise, form a blanket or is pumped out too frequently, the settlement process does not take place at all and solids will remain in suspension.

    Our infrared sensors are ideally suited to monitoring the top of the sludge/water interface ensuring early detection of any rising sludge that represents a threat to the treatment process and effluent quality.

    电源:115/230VAC 50/60HZ或9-18VDC或18-36VDC电力消耗:8VA输出容量:5A/230VAC 5A/30VDC警报类型:SPCO端系:最大导线径2.5mm外壳材质:ABS尺 寸:160×195×105mm2保护等级:IP65电缆接头:4×PG11重量:1KG

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    品牌 : partech
    型号 : UP/8100
    检测项目 : 浑浊度
    类型 : 水质在线分析仪
    测量精度 : ±5%
    电源电压 : 9-18v
    分辨率 : ±1%
    加工定制 :
    产地 : 英国
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    搜好货网 > 上海浦予工业科技有限公司 > 总代理partech在线式污泥界面报警仪UP8100/8200 ASLD2200探头840