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  • 上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司经营水泥实验仪器、混凝土实验仪器、公路土工实验仪器、干粉砂浆保温砂浆实验仪器、沥青防水材料实验仪器、油漆涂料实验仪器、无损检测等实验仪器。经营水泥实验仪器、混凝土实验仪器、公路土工实验仪器、干粉砂浆保温砂浆实验仪器、沥青防水材料实验仪器、油漆涂料实验仪器、无损检测等实验仪器。公司产品凭借过硬的质量、完善的售后服务、合理的价格销往各大院校、检测单位、建材企业、工程建设单位。在消费者当中享有较高的地位和良好的口碑,用户遍布国内近三十个省市、自治区,并远销国外,与用户建立了长期稳定的合作关系。公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同。有健全的管理制度和完善健全的质量管理体系。并有反应迅速、服务周到的售后服务系统。我们将不懈努力、一如既往以优异的品质为客户服务。

    Shanghai Rongjida Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.operates cement experimental instruments, concrete experimental instruments, highway geotechnical experimental instruments, dry mortar thermal insulation mortar experimental instruments, asphalt waterproof material experimental instruments, paint coating experimental instruments, non-destructive testing and other experimental instruments. **Operating cement laboratory equipment, concrete laboratory equipment, highway geotechnical laboratory equipment, dry mortar thermal insulation mortar laboratory equipment, asphalt waterproof material laboratory equipment, paint coating laboratory equipment, non-destructive testing equipment, etc. With excellent quality, perfect after-sales service and reasonable prices, the company's products sell well in universities, inspection units, building materials companies, and engineering construction units. It enjoys a high status and a good reputation among consumers. The users are located in nearly 30 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions in China, and are exported to foreign countries, and have established long-term and stable cooperative relations with users. The company is strong, trustworthy and contract-abiding. Have a sound management system and a sound quality management system. And there is a quick response and good service after-sales service system. We will make unremitting efforts to serve our customers with excellent quality as always.


    The granular wood fiber bulk density tester is used to measure the bulk density of granular wood fibers. It has an all-metal structure and a metal cup with a volume of 10ml. It has a simple structure and is easy to use. It can be carried around and measured by hand.


    ◆金属杯容积:100ml φ40*80


    ◆漏斗高度:115mm ; 

    Technical parameters of granular wood fiber loose square density tester:

    ◆Volume of metal cup: 100ml φ40*80

    ◆Funnel diameter: 55mm/35mm

    ◆Funnel height: 115mm;


    ◆按四分法取2份100g±1g 纤维试样;放入瓷盘中,在105℃±5℃烘箱

    中烘干2h 以上,在干燥器中冷却;


    冷却的粒状纤维缓慢装人漏斗中;将漏斗底部置于金属杯上部约 40mm 处,




    ◆将瓷盘在天平上清零,将金属筒中纤维移入瓷盘称取纤维质量m. , 准

    确至0. 01g;

    ◆将金属杯放到天平上清零,用23℃±0. 5℃纯净水装满金属杯,擦净

    杯外壁上的水,称取水的质量m, , 准确至0. 01g.

    How to use granular wood fiber loose square density tester:

    ◆According to the quarter method, take 2 100g±1g fiber samples; put them in a porcelain dish and oven at 105℃±5℃

    Dry for more than 2h in the medium and cool in a desiccator;

    ◆Clean the inside of the metal cup and funnel; close the valve at the bottom of the funnel, and use a shovel to dry,

    The cooled granular fiber is slowly filled into the funnel; the bottom of the funnel is placed about 40mm above the metal cup,

    Open the valve and let the fiber fall into the metal cup under its own weight;

    ◆Use a ruler to scrape off the excess fiber on the metal cup and level the surface; during the test, do not shake

    Move and squeeze the fiber in the metal cup;

    ◆Clear the porcelain plate on the balance, move the fiber in the metal cylinder into the porcelain plate and weigh the fiber mass m., accurate

    Confirmed to 0.01g;

    ◆Put the metal cup on the balance to zero, fill the metal cup with 23℃±0.5℃ pure water and wipe it clean

    The water on the outer wall of the cup, weigh the mass of the water m,, accurate to 0.01g.


    加工定制 :
    品牌 : 荣计达
    型号 : SFMD-100
    重量 : 约3.5kg
    产品用途 : 粒状木质纤维松方密度试验仪
    搜好货网 > 上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司 > 荣计达SFMD-100粒状木质纤维松方密度试验仪