霍尼韦尔诺斯770030S硅胶半面罩 过滤式防毒面具








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  • 这款防毒面具可与电动送风(PAPR)或供气式(SA)呼吸防护产品配套组合成电动送风呼吸器使用,满足不同防护环境的需求Can also be used with PAPR or supplied air respirators to fit different using environments.

    诺斯770030S防毒面具特有口鼻罩小空气“死腔”设计,避免呼出的CO2被再次吸入,降低使用者的工作疲劳度With specially designed oral/nasal cup to lessen”dead space”,avoid re-breathing in of exhaled CO2 and reduce the working fatigue of wearers.

    3M防毒面具一样配置独有的呼气阀设计,保证呼出气体大程度被排出面罩之外,提高使用者的佩戴舒适感Specially designed exhalation valve can vent the gases out from the mask to the most so that the user can experience more wearing comfort

    诺斯770030S防毒面具特有的面部曲线贴合设计,360度密封,可满足不同脸型佩戴需求。并且按人体工程学设计理念,不同部位密封圈厚度不一,更好地满足鼻部、下颌部及脸部对于贴合性的不同要求Unique airtight curve of the inner mask offers 360°facial seal to fit various face shapes. It also has different mask thickness on different position based on the ideas of ergonomics design to ensure great fitness on the nose, chin and face.

    诺斯770030S防毒面具头部固定式设计及可调节式头带保证佩戴定位准确,不受作业者活动影响,消除佩戴不适感The head harness is positioned on the headand and also adjustable which can make the donning easy and comfortable regardless of any movements of the user.

    整体下探式外形,避免对视线的影响,与防护眼镜也能够良好适配The shape is downwards designed in order to avoid any effects on the vision and also has a good compatibility with safety eyewear.

    7700 系列为100% 硅胶设计。它享誉全球市场超过20年,而且防毒面具价格处于市场中等水平,是目前市场上将舒适、贴合、安全性结合的一款防护用品。7700 series is made of 100% silicone and is one the most outstanding product in the market for over 20 years which features comfort, fitness and safety together.


    770030L舒适款大号NIOSH硅胶材料1 只/盒
    770030M舒适款中号NIOSH硅胶材料1 只/盒
    770030S舒适款小号NIOSH硅胶材料1 只/盒

    搜好货厂家上海铤和防护科技有限公司为您提供霍尼韦尔诺斯770030S硅胶半面罩 过滤式防毒面具的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取霍尼韦尔诺斯770030S硅胶半面罩 过滤式防毒面具的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    品牌 : HONEYWELL/霍尼韦尔
    型号 : 770030S
    类型 : 防毒面具
    材质 : 硅胶
    包装方式 : 1个/盒
    口罩款式 : 头戴式
    呼吸阀装置 :
    执行标准 : GB2890-2009
    获得认证 : 中国LA认证
    功能 : 防有毒气体及粉尘颗粒物
    用途范围 : 适用于交通运输制造业,制药化工,石油化工
    特色服务 : 质量保障,售后无忧
    搜好货网 > 上海铤和防护科技有限公司 > 霍尼韦尔诺斯770030S硅胶半面罩 过滤式防毒面具