G2330 BK 日本可乐丽PA9T(G2330 BK)黑色塑料








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  • G2330 BK 日本可乐丽PA9T(G2330 BK)黑色塑料

    G2330 BK 日本可乐丽PA9T(G2330 BK)黑色塑料




    pa9t日本可乐丽gn2330高韧性高结合强度耐高温防火v0 pa9t日本可乐丽 n1001a 低磨耗 高滑动性

    pa9t日本可乐丽 n1002a 低磨耗 高滑动性 pa9t日本可乐丽 g1352a 低磨耗 高滑动性 pa9t日本可乐丽 n1006a g1301a 超韧耐冲

    pa9t日本可乐丽 g1250a n1000a 

    pa9t日本可乐丽 g1500a g1300a

     pa9t日本可乐丽 n1006c n1001d 押出级高粘度 pa9t日本可乐丽 gr2300 玻纤增强防火v0

    Huayun Plastic Company, market application / PA9TPA9T is mainly used for a variety of electronic products, connectors, connectors, socket products, etc. , suitable for SMT electrical connector (especially for lead-free soldering) . Widely used in computers, digital cameras, mobile phones, etc. .

     Pa9t in personal computers, digital cameras, mobile phones and other electronic devices to give full play to the field of heat resistance, is widely used in memory connection and charging for the plug-in (connector) . In recent years, due to environmental problems, the use of lead-free solder has been widely used in electronic parts welding, so the high heat resistance of Genestar is more widely praised. In addition to heat resistance and slippage, PA9T should also focus on drug resistance and actively promote the application of this product in automotive parts and other broader fields. PA9T has glass-free and glass-containing 33% , 45% , 50% and fire specifications for automotive hood, electrical and electronic products and other market applications * Development potential.

    搜好货厂家东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司为您提供G2330 BK 日本可乐丽PA9T(G2330 BK)黑色塑料的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取G2330 BK 日本可乐丽PA9T(G2330 BK)黑色塑料的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    产品特性 : 高性能
    是否进口 :
    产地 : 日本可乐丽
    厂家(产地) : 日本可乐丽
    牌号 : G2330 BK
    销售方式 : 品牌经销
    类型 : 标准料
    品名 : PA9T
    货号 : G2330 BK
    加工级别 : 注塑级
    特性级别 : 阻燃级、增韧级、增强级、耐高温、标准级、耐磨、耐老化、耐候、抗化学性、高强度、高流动、高抗冲、高滑动、高光泽、高刚性
    用途级别 : 通用级、汽车部件、板材级
    品牌 : 日本可乐丽
    产品规格 : 25
    搜好货网 > 东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司 > G2330 BK 日本可乐丽PA9T(G2330 BK)黑色塑料