高分子膨胀吸水袋 绿祥销售高分子吸水膨胀防汛袋 尺寸定做













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  •     吸水膨胀防洪袋是一种高新科技型产品,因性能优越,使用方便而深受用户认可。每当雨季来临时低洼地区 、地下室入口、车库等必备。短时间完成临时防水工事,运输方便快捷。紧急灾害、台风水灾、淹水,排水工程、车库挡水、预防泥土崩塌,等紧急临时工事及水灾预防必备品。证实此膨胀防洪袋确实是一种简单有效的防水材料。

    Absorbed water expansion and anti-flood bag is a kind of high-tech products, because of its superior performance and convenient use, it is well recognized by users. Whenever the rainy season comes, low-lying areas, basement entrances, garages, etc. are necessary. The shortest possible time to complete temporary waterproof fortifications, convenient and fast transportation. Emergency disasters, typhoons, floods, drainage projects, garage water blocking, soil collapse prevention, emergency temporary fortifications and flood prevention essential products. It is proved that this expansion anti-flood bag is a simple and effective waterproof material.

    一、 产品结构:材料做成,外层袋抗老化纺织物造;内有高科技吸水膨胀剂。

    Product structure:Made of material, the outer bag is made of aging textile; There is a high-tech absorbent expansion agent

    .二、 应用领域:

    1. 用于防洪、抢险、堤防漏洞、漫溢抢护,防洪堤坝的临时性加高、临时性防水围墙的构筑、护坡防冲、工程截流、暗沟和暗洞的堵塞;2. 用于库房、庭院、沟塘、被淹耕地的排水;3. 用于易淹水的工厂、隧道、地铁、地下停车场等低洼地带的防水落入;4. 用于道路施工、工地桥樑建设、竞赛场地等积水处的吸水去水;5. 用于矿山、油气田开采等需快速去水的工矿仓业。

    Application areas:1. It is used for flood control, rescue, embankment vulnerability, overflowing and emergency protection, temporary elevation of flood prevention dams, temporary waterproof wall construction, slope protection, project interception, dark trenches, and hole blockage;2. For the drainage of warehouses, courtyards, ditches, and flooded arable land;3. For waterproofing in low-lying areas such as factories, tunnels, subways, and underground parking lots that are prone to flooding;4. For road construction, construction of construction site bridges, competition sites and other water accumulation water removal;5. It is used for mining, oil and gas field mining and other industries that require rapid water removal.

    二、 应用领域:1. 用于防洪、抢险、堤防漏洞、漫溢抢护,防洪堤坝的临时性加高、临时性防水围墙的构筑、护坡防冲、工程截流、暗沟和暗洞的堵塞;2. 用于库房、庭院、沟塘、被淹耕地的排水;3. 用于易淹水的工厂、隧道、地铁、地下停车场等低洼地带的防水落入;4. 用于道路施工、工地桥樑建设、竞赛场地等积水处的吸水去水;5. 用于矿山、油气田开采等需快速去水的工矿仓业。

    Application areas:1. It is used for flood control, rescue, embankment vulnerability, overflowing and emergency protection, temporary elevation of flood prevention dams, temporary waterproof wall construction, slope protection, project interception, dark trenches, and hole blockage;2. For the drainage of warehouses, courtyards, ditches, and flooded arable land;3. For waterproofing in low-lying areas such as factories, tunnels, subways, and underground parking lots that are prone to flooding;4. For road construction, construction of construction site bridges, competition sites and other water accumulation water removal;5. It is used for mining, oil and gas field mining and other industries that require rapid water removal.

    三、 产品特点:1 水膨胀防洪袋,使用前体积小、重量轻,存放、运输方便。与传统土袋相比可大大减少人力,并可为抢险争取时间;2  该产品属环保产品,使用过程中无毒、无味、无污染,可自然降解。III. Product characteristics:1. Absorbed water expansion anti-flood bag, small size, light weight before use, easy to store and transport. Compared with traditional soil bags, it can greatly reduce manpower and gain time for emergency rescue.2. The product is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, tasteless and non-polluting during use, and can be naturally degraded.

    四、 使用方法:1  不使用时,应把防洪袋置于室内干燥处备用,讯期或台风雨水季节可置于大门口或警卫室的便随时使用;2  使用时,打开到包袋,就近将袋子浸入水中或直接在防洪上淋水,约 3-5 分钟,袋子可膨胀 80-100 倍(约 20KG ),然后移至所需处进行防洪堵截;3  水患退去后,未吸水的防洪袋整理后放回塑料袋中封存;已吸水使用过的防洪袋待自然风干后,作废弃物处理,无毒、无害、无污染,对环境不会造成影响。

    Method of use:1. When not in use, the flood control bag shall be kept in an indoor dry place for use at any time during the warning period or during the typhoon rain season when it can be placed at the gate or guard room;2. When used, open the bag and dip the bag in the water or directly on the flood control water at the nearest point. For about 3-5 minutes, the bag can expand 80-100 times(about 20KG) and then move to the required place for flood control interception;3. After the flood has receded, the non-absorbent flood prevention bag is put back into the plastic bag and sealed; Flood control bags that have been used for water absorption are treated as waste after natural air drying. They are non-toxic, harmless, and pollution-free, and will not affect the environment.


    五、 产品规格:1  产品型号: DEMI-FH-202  吸水前尺寸: 600 (长)× 400 (宽)× 8 (高) mm 吸水后尺寸: 520 (长)× 400 (宽)× 150 (高) mm3  产品重量:吸水前 0  42Kg ± 5% 吸水后 20Kg ± 5%4  材料使用:外袋:抗老化纺织物,内有高科技吸水剂5  使用环境:淡水 酸碱环境 8 > PH > 46  膨胀时间: 3-5 分钟(水温环境 20 ℃)7  耐压强度:≥ 150 Kg8  产品包装:纸箱包装,每箱含 25 件产品;箱内用防潮塑料袋包装9  纸箱规格: 320 × 460 × 200 mm 瓦楞纸10 .储运条件:防潮保存和运输11 .保质期限: 3-5      产品规格可根据客户需求进行定制

    Product Specifications:1. Product Model: DEMI-FH-202. Before absorbent size: 600(long) × 400(wide) × 8(high) mm After absorbent size: 520(long) × 400(wide) × 150(high) mm3. Product weight: 0.42 Kg ± 5 % before water absorption 20 Kg ± 5 % after water absorption4. Material use: Outer bags: anti-aging textiles with high-tech absorbent5. Use environment: freshwater acid-base environment 8 & GT; PH & GT; 4 %6. Expansion time: 3-5 minutes(water temperature environment 20 °C)7. Pressure strength: ≥ 150 Kg8. Product packaging: carton packaging, each containing 25 items; Packing in damp resistant plastic bags9. Box specification: 320 × 460 × 200 mm corrugated paper10. Conditions for storage and transportation: moisture preservation and transportation11. Quality period: 3 to 5 years product specifications can be customized according to customer needs

    六、 注意事项:1  每层防洪袋两侧都要牢固地固定在堤坝上;2  防洪袋之间可用铁丝、麻绳相连或单独定制粘扣。3  遇水膨胀防洪袋使用前用塑料密封袋密封,严禁破损。七、 遇水膨胀防洪袋的试验及应用情况膨胀防洪袋是一种体积小,重量轻。运输方便,遇水体积快速膨胀,重量快速增加, 2-3 分钟达到膨胀体积的新型防洪堵漏材料。

    Points for attention:1. Each layer of flood prevention bag must be firmly fixed on both sides of the dam;2. Anti-flood bags can be connected with wire, twine or individually customized adhesive buckle.3. In case of water expansion and flood prevention bag before use with plastic sealing bag seal, is strictly forbidden to break.The test and application of water expansion flood prevention bag is a kind of small volume and light weight. Convenient transportation, rapid expansion of water volume, rapid increase in weight, 2-3 minutes to reach the maximum expansion volume of a new type of flood prevention and containment materials.

    搜好货厂家德州绿祥土工材料有限公司为您提供高分子膨胀吸水袋 绿祥销售高分子吸水膨胀防汛袋 尺寸定做的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取高分子膨胀吸水袋 绿祥销售高分子吸水膨胀防汛袋 尺寸定做的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    加工定制 :
    材质 : 外层袋抗老化纺织物造
    型号 : 定做
    用途 : 用于矿山、油气田开采等需快速去水的工矿仓
    吸水后尺寸: : 520 (长)× 400 (宽)× 15
    产品型号: : DEMI-FH-20
    吸水前尺寸: : 600 (长)× 400
    搜好货网 > 德州绿祥土工材料有限公司 > 高分子膨胀吸水袋 绿祥销售高分子吸水膨胀防汛袋 尺寸定做