韩国BESFITS 蓄电池船舶就退12V系列启动电瓶








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  • 韩国BESFITS 蓄电池船舶就退12V系列启动电瓶


    韩国BESFITS 蓄电池是被设计应用在浮动充电及循环充电使用,高重量能量密度结合了大小和形状的宽广选择,让电池在众多应用下有合理的选择,部分共同应用项目包括但不于常备或主要电源如下 :

    ● 警报系统 (Alarm Systems)

    ● 有线电视 (Cable Television)

    ● 通信设备 (Communications Equipment)

    ● 控制设备 (Control Equipment)

    ● 计算机 (Computer)

    ● 电子收款机 (Electronic Cash Registers)

    ● 电子测试设备 (Electronic Test Equipment)

    ● 电动轮椅 (Electronic Powered Wheelchairs)

    ● 紧急照明系统 (Emergency Lighting Systems)

    ● 防火或保全系统 (Fire & Security Systems)

    ● 地理设备 (Geophysical Equipment)

    ● 海洋设备 (Marine Equipment)

    ● 设备 (Medical Equipment)

    ● 办公室微处理机 (Micro Processor Based Office Machines)

    ● 可携式电影和电视灯光 (Portable Cine & Video Lights)

    ● 电动工具 (Power Tools)

    ● 太阳能系统 (Solar Powered Systems)

    ● 电信系统 (Telecommunications Systems)

    ● 电视和录像机 (Television & Video Recorders)

    ● 玩具 (Toys)

    ● 不断电系统 (Uninterruptible Power Supplies)

    ● 自动贩卖机 (Vending Machines)

    Korean besfets battery is designed and applied in floating charging and circulating charging. High weight energy density combines a wide selection of size and shape, so that the battery can be reasonably selected in many applications. Some common applications include but are not applicable to standing or main power supplies as follows:

    ● alarm systems

    ● cable television

    ● communications equipment

    ● control equipment

    ● computer

    ● electronic cash registers

    ● electronic test equipment

    ● electronic powered wheelchairs

    ● emergency lighting systems

    ● fire & Security Systems

    ● geophysical equipment

    ● marine equipment

    ● medical equipment

    ● micro processor based office machines

    ● portable cine & Video lights

    ● power tools

    ● solar powered systems

    ● telecommunications systems

    ● Television & video recorders

    ● toys

    ● uninterruptible power supplies

    ● vending machines


    搜好货厂家北京狮克电源科技有限公司为您提供韩国BESFITS 蓄电池船舶就退12V系列启动电瓶的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取韩国BESFITS 蓄电池船舶就退12V系列启动电瓶的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    品牌 : BESFITS 蓄电池
    型号 : 55D26L/R
    化学类型 : 铅酸蓄电池
    电压 : 12V
    类型 : 起动型蓄电池
    荷电状态 : 免维护蓄电池
    电池盖和排气拴结构 : 阀控式密闭蓄电池
    额定容量 : 65AH
    外型尺寸 : 350*166*176
    产品认证 : ce
    适用范围 : ups蓄电池
    搜好货网 > 北京狮克电源科技有限公司 > 韩国BESFITS 蓄电池船舶就退12V系列启动电瓶