5立方液氧储罐 lng储罐规格 液氮储罐气化站 蓝天 LAMOKO








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  • 张家港保税区蓝天低温科技有限公司位于全国文明卫生城市江苏省张家港市,全国首家内河港型保税区——张家港保税区。西枕江阴长江公路大桥和新长铁路,南临无锡、南京,东靠上海,京沪高铁穿境而过,与沪宁高速、沿江高速交汇,地理位置优越、水陆交通便捷。公司致力于低温装备及其技术应用的成套解决方案,我们拥有专业的开发团队和安装服务团队,由数十年低温行业技术经验的人员组成。骨干成员兼任全国气瓶标准化委员会、瓶标委低温分会委员会、中国道路运输协会等行业专家委员,并参与起草相关产品的国家标准。公司主要从事LNG/IG低温储罐、LNG/IG低温气瓶、LNG车用瓶等产品;LNG/IG汽化器、LNG/IG调压计量撬装、IG气体混配器等成套供气装置;LNG/IG工程的技术、销售与安装、售后维保等系列化产品与服务。我们秉承“以诚为本、以信为金”的价值观,深耕低温领域技术、专注气体设备应用,勤于学习、不断进步;为了给客户提供周到的一条龙服务,已经与行业产业链上的知名骨干企业建立了长期稳固的深度战略伙伴关系,互通有无,携手共进,共同为我们“蓝天绿地”贡献一份绵薄之力。

    Zhangjiagang Blue Sky Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province, the first inland river port type free trade zone in China -Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone. It is adjacent to Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge and Xinchang railway in the west, Wuxi and Nanjing in the south, Shanghai in the East, Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway passing through the territory, and Shanghai Nanjing high-speed railway and Yanjiang high-speed railway meet, with superior geographical location and convenient land and water transportation.

    The company is committed to the complete set of solutions for cryogenic equipment and its technical application. We have a professional development team and installation service team, which are composed of personnel with decades of technical experience in the cryogenic industry. Key members also serve as expert committee members of the national gas cylinder standardization committee, cryogenic sub-committee of the bottle standardization committee, China road transportation association and other industries, and participate in drafting the national standards for related products.

    The company is mainly engaged in LNG/IG cryogenic storage tanks, LNG/IG cryogenic gas cylinders, LNG vehicle bottles and other products; LNG/IG carburetor, LNG/IG pressure regulating metering pry assembly, IG gas mixer and other complete gas supply devices; LNG/IG engineering technology, sales and installation, after-sales maintenance and other serialized products and services.

    We adhere to the value of "honesty as the foundation, letter as gold", deeply rooted in the field of low temperature technology, focus on gas equipment application, diligent in learning, continuous progress; In order to provide customers with thoughtful one-stop service, we have established a long-term and stable in-depth strategic partnership with well-known backbone enterprises in the industry chain, to exchange what we need and make progress hand in hand to make a contribution to our "blue sky and green land".

    产品及服务系列(Products and services series):低温气瓶系列(Cryogenic cylinder series)产品规格有100L--1000L等规格。低温气瓶产品分为低压规格1.4MPa、1.59MPa,高压规格2.0MPa、2.3MPa、2.5MPa,超高压规格3.5MPa。用于可靠而经济的运输和储存低温液态气体,如:LNG、液氧、液氮、液氩等

    低温储罐系列(Cryogenic storage tank product series)产品规格有2--200m³,工作压力0.8MPa--3.5MPa。按照储存的介质,我们有氧氮氩储罐、LNG储罐等。储罐集成供气装置:产品规格有2--20m³,广泛应用于液氧、液氮、液氩、等深冷液体的贮存及使用。

    供气站的配套设备(Supporting equipment for gas station)配套提供液化天然气(LNG)或工业气体(IG)卸车、储存、增压、气化、BOG处理、EAG安全排放、调压计量加臭、自控及声光报警等系统的单项或整包解决方案。维修、保养、配件(Accessories for cryogenic equipment)公司有专门的维修队,提供顾问式维修及保养服务;同时利用年度统购的成本优势与效率优势,为广大客户朋友提供各种低温阀门、仪表、软管、接头等配件的一站式采购服务。

    搜好货厂家张家港保税区蓝天低温科技有限公司为您提供5立方液氧储罐 lng储罐规格 液氮储罐气化站 蓝天 LAMOKO的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取5立方液氧储罐 lng储罐规格 液氮储罐气化站 蓝天 LAMOKO的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    品牌 : 蓝天LAMOKO
    型号 : MT5000
    类型 : 运输储罐
    材质 : 不锈钢储罐
    容积 : 4.99
    重量 : 2786
    适用物料 : 液氧 液氮 液氩
    壁厚 : 6MM
    工作温度 : -196℃/50℃
    工作压力 : 1.6Mpa
    直径 : 2140*2260
    高度 : 3360
    搜好货网 > 张家港保税区蓝天低温科技有限公司 > 5立方液氧储罐 lng储罐规格 液氮储罐气化站 蓝天 LAMOKO