JHD吉宏达美日规65W电源适配器 USB TYPE-C PD快充头JHD-AP065U-BC-PD05








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    1. Scope/概述The data details the electrical, structural and environmental requirements of a 65W (continuous output power) PD switching power supply. Support QC2.0, QC3.0, PD2.0, PD3.0,  multiple fast charge protocols. 资料详细描述了一款65W(连续输出功率)PD开关电源的电气性,结构性及环境等要求。支持QC2.0、QC3.0、PD2.0、PD3.0多种快充协议。。The power supply shall meet the RoHS requirement.电源符合RoHS 要求。Description/类型■SMPS Adaptor(Wall mount)/插墙式适配器  □SMPS Adaptor(Desk-top)/桌面型适配器□Open Frame/开放式结构                   □SMPS Unit (With Case)/带铝壳型□Others/其他2. Input Characteristics/输入特性2.1 Input Voltage & Frequency/输入电压与频率The range of input voltage is from 90Vac to 264Vac single phase.输入电压范围:从90Vac 到264Vac, 单相输入。Item/项目 Minimum/最小 Nominal/额定值 Maximum/最大Input Voltage/输入电压 90Vac 100Vac~240Vac 264VacInput Frequency/输入频率 47Hz 50Hz/60Hz 63Hz2.2 Input AC Current/AC输入电流1.5A max. @ 220Vac input & max. load. /在220Vac输入和最大负载条件下最大1.5A。2.3 Inrush Current (cold start)/浪涌电流(冷启动)120A max. @ 220Vac input & max. Load. /在220Vac输入和最大负载条件下最大120A。2.4 No Load Power待机功耗0.1W max. @230Vac input &No Load./在230Vac输入待机状态下功耗小于等于0.1W。2.5 Efficiency /效率81.4%(5V3A),86.6%(9V3A),87.4%(12V3A),88%(15V4A),88.0%(20V3.25A) min. @ The average efficiency of 10%,25%,50%,75%,100%.load at 115/230Vac/在 115/230Vac输入电压下,输出10%, 25%,50%,75%,100%负载下的平均效率最小81.4%(5V3A),86.6%(9V3A),87.4%(12V3A),88%(15V4A),88.0%(20V3.25A)。3. Output Characteristics/输出特性3.1 Static Output Characteristics <Vo & R+N>/静态输出特性<输出&纹波+噪声>Output/输出 Load Condition/负载条件 Voltage Range/电压范围 R+N/纹波&噪声 Remark/备注 MinimumLoad NominalLoad   +5V 0A 3.0A 4.75-5.25V ≤120mV +9V 0A 3.0A 8.55-9.45V ≤150mV +12V 0A 3.0A 11.4 -12.6V ≤150mV +15V 0A 4.0A 14.25-15.75V ≤200mV +20V 0A 3.25A 19.0-21.0V ≤300mV Ripple & Noise: Measurement is done by 20MHz bandwidth oscilloscope and the output paralleled a 0.1μF ceramic capacitor and a 10μF electrolysis capacitor of low ESR and high frequency.(Under 220Vac input and max. load),Block diagram as following:纹波与噪声: 测量时示波器选用20MHz带宽限制,输出端要并联一颗0.1μF 的陶瓷电容和一颗10μF 的高频低阻电解电容. (在220Vac输入和最大负载(阻性负载)条件下).3.2 Line/ Load Regulation/线性/负载调整率Output/输出 Load Condition/负载条件 Load Regulation/负载调整率 Line Regulation/线性调整率 Remark备注  +5V 0A 3.0A ±3% ±2% +9V 0A 3.0A ±3% ±2% +12V 0A 3.0A ±3% ±2% +15V 0A 4.0A ±3% ±2% +20V 0A 3.25A ±3% ±2% 3.3 Turn - on Delay Time/开机延迟时间3.0S max. @ 100 Vac to 240 Vac input & max. load.100Vac~240Vac输入和最大负载条件下最大3S。3.4 Hold-up Time/关机保持时间10mS min. @ max. load & 100Vac/60Hz input turn off at worst case.在100Vac/60Hz输入、最大负载&最差情况下关机,最小10mS。20mS min. @ max. load & 240Vac/50Hz input turn off at worst case.在240Vac/50Hz输入、最大负载&最差情况下关机,最小20mS3.5 Rise Time/上升时间50mS max. @ max. load ./在最大负载条件下最大50mS。3.6 Output Overshoot / Undershoot/输出过冲/欠冲10% max. When the power on or off/当电源开/关机时最大10%。3.7 Output Load Transient Response/输出负载瞬态响应Output voltage within4.75-5.25V, 8.55-9.45V,11.4 -12.6V, 14.25-15.75V, 19.0-21.0V while the load step from 25% to 50% to 25% to max. load or 50% to 75% to 50% of max. load, R/S:0.5A/μS,frequency :100Hz,Output overshoot is less then ±5%. 输出电压在4.75-5.25V, 8.55-9.45V,11.4 -12.6V, 14.25-15.75V, 19.0-21.0V之间,负载变化: 从25%到50%再到25%或从最大负载的50%到75%再到50%,斜率:0.5A/μS,频率: 100Hz,输出过冲小于±5%。4. Protection Requirements/保护要求4.1 Short Circuit Protection/短路保护The input power shall decrease when the output of short ,the power supply shall no damage , and shall be self-recovery when the fault condition is removed.当输出短路时,产品输入功率降低且不会损伤,当短路情况解除后,产品将会自动恢复正常。4.2Over Current Protection/过流保护The power supply shall be in protection status when the over currents applied to the output rail, and shall be self-recovery when the fault condition is removed.当过电流时,电源处于保护状态,当过电流情况解除后,产品将会自动恢复正常。输出保护 Over Current          Protection(5V3A) Over Current     Protection(9V3A) Over Current     Protection(12V3A) Over Current     Protection(15V4A) Over Current Protection(20V3.25A) Short Circuit Protection115V 输入 ≤4.0A ≤4.0A ≤4.0A ≤4.5A ≤4.0A Hiccup230V输入 ≤4.0A ≤4.0A ≤4.0A ≤4.5A ≤4.0A Hiccup5. Environment Requirements/环境要求5.1 Operating Temperature and Relative Humidity/操作温/湿度要求-10℃ to +40℃/工作温度在-10℃到 +40℃.10%RH to 90%RH/湿度在10%到90%。5.2 Storage Temperature and Relative Humidity/存储温/湿度要求-20℃ to +85℃/存储温度在-20℃到 +85℃。        5%RH to 95%RH non-condensing/湿度在5%到95%不结霜。5.3 Height Above Sea Level/海拔高度The power supply can normal operate at 0~5000 meter.电源在海拔0~5000m能正常工作。5.4 Vibration/振动10 to 300Hz sweep at a constant acceleration of 1.0G(Breadth: 3.5mm) for 1 Hour for each of the perpendicular axes X, Y, Z.扫描频率: 10 to 300Hz, 加速度: 1.0G(位移: 3.5mm), X, Y, Z 三垂直坐标轴向各振动1小时。6. Reliability Requirements/可靠性要求6.1 Burn-in/老化The power supply shall be burn-in for 8 hours at 40℃±5℃(The detail is at suggest Test Standard).产品至少要在40℃±5℃的环境下老化8小时(详见建议验收测试标准)。6.2 MTBF Qualification/平均间隔故障时间估算The MTBF shall be at least 50,000hours at 40℃, max. load and nor. input condition.平均间隔故障时间: 至少50,000 小时,40℃环境及额定输入与满载条件下。6.3 跌落测试 Drop testConditions: flat marble or concrete floor; 1 m high; The bareMethod: 6 products, one time each,Results: The product has no hidden danger and danger. Electrical performance works normally条件:平面大理石或混凝土地板;高度1M;裸机方式:产品6个面,各1次,结果:产品无安全隐患和危险;电气性能工作正常7. EMI/EMS Standards/EMI/EMS标准7.1 EMI Standards/EMI标准EN55032 EN55035GB13837 CISPR 22GB9254 FCC Part15 Subpart B7.2 EMS Standards/EMS标准EN 61000-3-3 Voltage fluctuations & flicker;EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge(ESD): 8kV air discharge, 4kV contact discharge;EN 61000-4-3 Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Susceptibility Test-RS;EN 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst-FET;EN 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity Test: (L-N +/-1KV,L,N-PE +/-2KV)EN 61000-4-6 Conducted Radio Frequency Disturbances Test-CS;EN 61000-4-8 Power Frequency Magnetic Field Test;EN 1000-4-11 Voltage Dips;8. Safety Standards/安规标准8.1 Dielectric Strength(Hi-pot)/介电耐压强度(高压)Primary to Secondary: 3000Vac/5mA Max/60 seconds (3.5KV/3seconds for production).初级对次级: 3000Vac /5mA Max / 60秒(生产时高压测试时间: 3.5KV/3秒)8.2 Leakage Current/漏电流0.25mA max. at 240Vac / 50Hz.在240Vac/50Hz输入时最大为0.25mA8.3 Insulation Resistance/绝缘阻抗50MΩ min. at primary to secondary add 500Vdc test voltage.在初级与次级间加500Vdc 进行测试,最小50MΩ。8.4 Regulatory Standards/安规标准Type/安规 Country/国家 Standard/标准 State/状况 Mark/备注CCC China GB4943.1 □ IT资讯类标准CE Europe EN62368-1 □ IT资讯类标准cULus America/Canada UL62368-1 ■ IT资讯类标准PSE Japan J62368-1 □ IT资讯类标准

    9.Circuit Schematic Drawing/电路示意图 10.PCB Diagram/印刷电路板图11.Suggest Test Standard/建议验收测试标准11.1 List of Equipments/仪器设备Isolated Transformer、Adjustable Transforme (0~300Vac) 、Multimeter、Oscillograph(20MHz) 、Hi-Pot Equipments、Test Load.隔离变压器、调压器(0~300Vac)、万用表、示波器(20MHz)、耐压测试仪、测试负载。11.2 Test Load/测试负载Load 5V 9V 12V 15V 20VNormal Load/额定负载 3000mA(1.66Ω) 3000mA(3.0Ω) 3000mA(4.0Ω) 4000mA(3.75Ω) 3250mA(6.15Ω)Minimum Load/最小负载 0A(/Ω) 0A(/Ω) 0A(/Ω) 0A(/Ω) 0A(/Ω)11.3 Test Item/测试项目11.3.1 On/Off Test/开关机测试1)Connect the input of power supply to AC input, and output to max. load、nor. Load、Min. load.将待测电源的输入端连接到AC输入,输出端接最大负载、额定负载、最小负载。2)Adjust input voltage to 90Vac、220Vac、264Vac respectively, then turn on and turn off three times .If no damage ,ON/OFF test OK.将调压器分别调至90Vac、220Vac、264Vac,分别开关机三次,开关机正常。11.3.2 Output Voltage Test/输出电压测试1)Connect the input of power supply to AC input,and output to max. load、nor.Load、min. load ; test output voltage at any input voltage between 90Vac and 264Vac ,the output voltage within 4.75-5.25V, 8.55-9.45V,11.4 -12.6V, 14.25-15.75V, 19.0-21.0V.将待测电源的输入端连接到AC输入,输出端分别接最大负载、额定负载、最小负载,将输入电压由90Vac调至264Vac,测试输出电压在4.75-5.25V, 8.55-9.45V,11.4 -12.6V, 14.25-15.75V, 19.0-21.0V之间.注:①在DC线末端进行电压测试;11.4 Ripple & Noise Test/纹波与噪声测试1)Test condition:Input 220Vac and output to max.load测试条件:输入电压调节为220Vac,输出接最大负载2)Test method:Measurement is done by 20MHz bandwith oscilloscope and the output paralleled a 0.1μF ceramic capacitor and a 10μF electrolysis capacitor of low ESR and high frequency.(Under 220Vac input and max.load),Block diagram as following:纹波与噪声:测量时示波器选用20MHz带宽限制,输出端要并联一颗0.1μF的陶瓷电容和一颗10μF的高频低阻电解电容.(在220Vac输入和最大负载(阻性负载)条件下).3)Ripple & Noise Scope/各组纹波值应该在下表所示规格之内:Ripple & Noise纹波+噪声 V pk-pk(5V):≤120mV V pk-pk(9V):≤150mV V pk-pk(12V):≤150mV V pk-pk(15V):≤200mV V pk-pk(20V):≤300mV 11.5 Short Circuit Protection Test/短路测试1)Test condition: input 220Vac and output max. load、nor.Load、min. load .测试条件:输出电压调节至220Vac,输出接最大负载、额定负载、最小负载。2)The power supply shall be hiccupped when operating output in a short circuit condition and the power supply shall be self-recovering when the fault condition is removed.电源处于正常工作状态时,当输出发生短路状况,电源整机将处于保护状态,短路状况消失后自动恢复正常工作。11.6 Efficiency Test/效率测试81.4%(5V3A),86.6%(9V3A),87.4%(12V3A),88%(15V4A),88.0%(20V3.25A)   min. @ The average efficiency of 25%,50%,75%,100%.load at 115/230Vac/在 115/230Vac输入电压下,输出25%,50%,75%,100%负载下的平均效率最小81.4%(5V3A),86.6%(9V3A),87.4%(12V3A),88%(15V4A),88.0%(20V3.25A)。11.7 Hi-pot Test/耐压测试Input-output 3000Vac,60 seconds,Leakage current<5mA输入-输出 交流3000V,60秒,漏电流<5毫安11.8 Burn-in Test/老化测试Adjust the input voltage to 220Vac and connect the output of the power supply to the Burn-in load,each resistant value is as following:5Vdc/3000mA(1.66ohm),9Vdc/3000mA(3.0ohm),12Vdc/3000mA(4.0ohm),15Vdc/4000mA(3.75ohm),20Vdc/3250mA(6.15ohm)the power supply can undergo a minimum of 8 hours Burn-in test at 40±5℃.将输入电压调节为220Vac,输出接我司老化负载:5Vdc/3000mA(1.66ohm),9Vdc/3000mA(3.0ohm),12Vdc/3000mA(4.0ohm),15Vdc/4000mA(3.75ohm),20Vdc/3250mA(6.15ohm)在40±5℃的环境下老化8小时以上,老化后再按以上步骤进行测试,电源正常工作。12. Mach. Outline Drawing/外观示意图13. Appendix I:Label/附录一:标贴镭雕 14.Package Drawing/包装示意图材质须符合ROHS要求。




    PD 五组电压美规电源适配器/TYPE-C口/固定插脚,UL,FCC认证。

    搜好货厂家深圳市吉宏达电子有限公司为您提供JHD吉宏达美日规65W电源适配器 USB TYPE-C PD快充头JHD-AP065U-BC-PD05的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,您可以直接联系厂家获取JHD吉宏达美日规65W电源适配器 USB TYPE-C PD快充头JHD-AP065U-BC-PD05的具体资料,联系时请说明是在搜好货网看到的。

    品牌 : JHD/吉宏达
    型号 : JHD-AP065U-BC-PD05
    类型 : AC/DC电源
    输入电压 : 100-240V
    输出功率 : 65W
    输出电压 : 5V, 9V, 12V,15V,20V
    产品认证 : UL,FCC
    搜好货网 > 深圳市吉宏达电子有限公司 > JHD吉宏达美日规65W电源适配器 USB TYPE-C PD快充头JHD-AP065U-BC-PD05